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Yep —

We made a PC

As the instruction manual from teenage engineering says — "think twice, bend once".

The build process went pretty smoothly — we found this video on YouTube by DavidGoligorsky super-useful. He covers the steps quite nicely and re-orders some of the manual's (suggestions for the better.)

We hadn't realised the Asus motherboard didn't come with a wifi card so that was a nasty little surprise to have to install after we thought we were done. But hej, there's always something.

The end result is a snappy little PC that runs really nciely and can process renders at a decent speed We may make a few upgrades in the future but for now it's ideal.

Since tech looks so cool we decided to take some stills of the various steps of the build process for your enjoyment. So here they are...

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Picture of the author
Picture of the author
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